Music done by Frank Gonzales.

Or please go to this link, THE CORALLIEN PROJECT; MUSIC DOWNLOAD, download the song and play!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The happiest day

If you didn't manage to go to the exhibition, take some time to watch this video! Hope you love it!

During presentation day. Everyone was dressed in black!

I can tell you that after much blood, sweat, tears, stress, time and patience, the greatest announcement to have ever entered our ears were loudly voiced out by the Emcee at the prize-giving ceremony today. YES. INDEED. THE CORALLIEN PROJECT WON FIRST PLACE! And we, the members, are BEYOND ecstatic about it!

We were so nervous before the announcement, having doubts about whether we had presented well and all. We honestly thought we would lose to other universities. But we won, we actually won. We did it! We did our university proud!

FIRST PLACE! How wonderful is this?!

With our beloved lecturers!

With the man who judged us with the most nonchalant expression.


Thanks to all who helped us out with the installation (lunch on us!), thanks to those who came and supported us and who took their time to visit the installation, this blog and who watched the video, thanks to the lecturers and Mr. Tony for this opportunity and of whom had so much confidence in us, thanks to judges for choosing us as the champions and finally, special thanks (and a round of applause) to the group members of this project, who spent hours doing work like a well-oiled machine, who didn't get enough sleep (or no sleep at all) to make the structure stand, who cut, bruised, scratched themselves during production of modules and who were there from day 1 til now! We should be proud of ourselves for making this happen!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our journey - our concept - opening ceremony!

Hello everyone!

Before I get to the opening ceremony, I'd like to tell everyone about the journey of this installation.

Here we go!

As I mentioned before, we only had a few days to prepare this installation. Few days meaning, only about 3-4 days? That's because we already had to rush a major assignment last week so we had to juggle our time and sacrifice our sleep (as all architecture students do haha).

So we worked like well oiled machines up until Sunday night where we sped off to One Utama at 11pm from Taylor's Lakeside Campus. Just to remind you that we all worked for hours and hours before leaving for OU.

When we arrived, we began assembling - to be honest, we were no where near from ready. We practically lost confidence in ourselves but we never gave up so, we pushed.

At about 1am or 2am, every other universities had something standing while we were still struggling to speed up and get ours up too. Other students watched us after they were done with their work. We could see them wondering if we would succeed haha.

Here we are, trying to get the structure to stand. Everyone stood up for at least 3hours long trying to get the whole thing up and ready. :S

We finally got everything working! By then, the sun had already risen. We couldn't believe it took us that long to make everything work.

And of course, we were the last group of students to finish. One Utama was deserted by the time we had finish getting the structure up.

By 10am, we began putting up the finishing touches! Everything underwater ~


Lets explain the materials!

1) Fruit mesh - the plastic that's used to wrap fruits! Used to create the soft, spongey coral texture + add an interesting shadow effect.

2) Plastic basket and fasteners - to create sea urchins!

3) Plastic bottles - to create a dry coral texture + add an interesting shadow effect.

4) Fruit mesh + fasteners - to create underwater flowers!

5) Corrugated plastic board - to mimic the organic shapes of a coral reef.

7) Fasteners - to mimic the soft but hairy effect of certain underwater creatures.

Just so you know, we used these plastic materials to create awareness to the pollution that can be found in the ocean! Why litter and throw plastic away into the deep blue sea, destroying marine life and coral reefs, when you can make it into art, like we did? :)

The plastic materials used shows the versatility of the materials, of how everyone should look at plastic with a different perspective! We hope that this concept can be derived from our installation.

Anyway, by 1pm, we had finished! Over 12 (I think 24 hours straight) hours of working and no sleep. Can you imagine the happiness we felt when we had put our final touches to the installation? We were (and still are) very proud of ourselves and our work.

At 1pm in the afternoon. Shops had already opened and OU customers had already entered the building.


The opening ceremony today at 3pm!

Here are photos of our installation.

Our installation, standing proudly and strong!




Glowing ~


Students' models being displayed!

Glowing ~

Bottles, giving a unique effect.

For podcasting and for others to check out the 3Ds Max images and videos! :D


The mastermind behind the design! :D

Us, explaining our concept to a few PAM members. :)

The group with Dr. Veronica!

The group with Dr. Veronica again! Haha!

Special thanks to those who helped out (juniors and fellow classmates of ours!), supported us (friends and family!) and visited (or is planning to visit) our installation. Thanks to Mr. Tony, who took time off his busy schedule to be there with us at the opening ceremony. Thanks to Mr. Kid and Dr. V who mentored us. We are very lucky and blessed to have this opportunity to represent our University and to showcase our talents to others and we hope that what we have to offer is good enough for the world to be proud of us Taylor's Architecture students!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Check out the installation!

"PAM" Annual Architecture Students Works Exhibition

The Corallien Project!

The installation is already up in One Utama! :) It's located right in front of Nine West.

We struggled and were under a lot of pressure as we only had 3 days to complete it. Regardless of the stress, the outcome is still pretty awesome. We hope everyone finds it as great as we do! We're proud students.

(Lets hope it can last til Sunday! *gulp*)


The exhibition is at One Utama, New Wing, at the space surrounded by branded shops like FCUK, Armani Exchange and etc. Do stop by and take a look, and of course, take a look at all the other fellow architecture students and their work too.

One Utama
3rd October - 9th October!
Hope to see you.

The Corallien Project


From the 3rd til the 9th of October, a bunch of us Taylor's students will be exhibiting our installation at a PAM exhibition in One Utama Shopping Complex.

Please listen to the music attached onto this blorg (embedded above)
to obtain the essence of the installation!

Hope to see you there!

